Common Names:- None
Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Ptilostemon (Gr) Feathery-stamened-one.
Gnaphaloides (Gr) Felted like Gnaphalium
Pseudofruticosus (L) Falsely - shrub-like.
General description:- Spineless evergreen shrub to 1m, though often less.
1) Often white-downy, especially when young. Flowering branches tomentose
occasionally glabrescent.
2) Flowering branches with leaves as long as those on the main stem.
1) Alternate, simple, narrow, somewhat widened below, base with laciniae 1-5(-9)
mm, acuminate at the apex, white-downy beneath.
2) Upper, shorter than the lower.
3) Margins recurved, in the shape of a needle.
4) Persistent, with silver-coloured hoary fine hairs below and with coiled edges.
1) Purple, pink or white, from 20-25 mm long, joined together in a capitula.
2) Capitula, usually few, in corymbs, rarely solitary.
3) Involucre, 18-25 x 18-26 mm.
4) Bracts, lanceolate-triangular, with inconspicuous vittae. with an erecto-patent
apex, the middle and outer with an apical spinule 1-3 mm.
5) Phyllaries with a long, acuminate, somewhat pungent apex.
1) Achenes 4-6 mm.
2) Pappus 14-17 mm. plumose.
Key features:-
1) Bracts with an erecto-patent apex, the middle and outer with an apical spinule 1-
3 mm
2) Involucre 18-25 x 18-26 mm.
3) Flowering branches with leaves as long as those on the main stem..
4) Persistent, with silver-coloured hoary fine hairs below and with coiled edges.
Habitat:- Limestone cliffs, occasionally on rocky ridges or road embankments, 0-
Distribution:- Some additional records from Peloponnisns and S Sterea Elias,
otherwise not known outside the Aegean area. Rare on Crete currently know from
one area in the south-west coastal region.
Flowering time:- April-June
Photos by:- Another